Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Adding methods like getElementById and getElementsByTagName to DocumentFragments

(2013/11/02 9:59), Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> I can obviously adjust our in-tree tests, but this test was part of
> jQuery's regression test suite, and I would be slightly surprised if
> there's no one out there using jQuery 1.2.6 (or later, up until the code
> went away; I did check that jQuery 1.10.2 no longer has the code cited
> above) and if they don't run into this issue.  :(

Not that I am very familar with jQuery's history, but the cited code
seems to be pre-Sizzle selector implemention[1], and therefore 1.2.6
should be the last jQuery version with this bug.

I assume Mozilla testsuite means that getElementById on elements are
roughly compatibile with jQuery 1.3+ even if they are actually using
those[2]. That's pretty lucky, I think :) It would still be a good idea
to run the lastest tests in Sizzle with jQuery 1.3 with the
getElementById on elements impmentation to see if there's breakage, but
my guess is no.

[1] The exact change seems to be this one

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Received on Saturday, 2 November 2013 22:32:35 UTC