Re: [whatwg] Allowing authors to obtain a vertical <input type=range>

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 10:27 AM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> Why wouldn't this be a CSS issue? That's the layer of the Web platform
> where we put presentationa-specific things.

You can't detect the size of something from within CSS, because then
you can change the size.

> But in this particular case, why do we need authors to explicitly say
> anything about the direction? Why can't you just be vertical if you're
> tall, and horizontal if you're wide? I don't understand why anyone would
> ever want a tall horizontal slider.

Because of the reason I gave above.

> If you're making proprietary pseudo-elements for parts of the slider while
> waiting for Web Components to be ready to do this, just have different
> pseudos for the two orientations.

This won't work for the same reason.


Received on Friday, 29 March 2013 17:35:46 UTC