Re: [whatwg] Mutation Observer arguments format

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Brian Kardell <> wrote:
> Does it make sense?  Do you feel like I am hand-waving away any of your
> concerns?  I hope not because the idea there is precisely to help address
> concerns like these (as well as many others).

It makes sense and is doable, but given finite resources it's on
balance with everything else we work on. E.g. the effort I put into
drafting a new API and figure out the details will take away time from
improving Fetch and XMLHttpRequest. The effort Adam will put into
implementing the change and making sure it's tested will take away
time from him working on HTML templates. Etc.

And that's not counting that we then have two ways of doing the same
thing. That we need to update documentation. That it's not backwards


Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2013 17:31:31 UTC