Re: [whatwg] URL resolution of fragment urls in html5 webapps

I'm curious: Is it useful to have fragment URL resolve against
anything other than the "display" url? I.e. when is the current
behavior wrt fragments appropriate.

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Alex Russell <> wrote:
> hey Igor,
> Was just discussing this with Rafael, and it seems like the core issue
> you're flagging is that if a document has a <base> element, all #anchor
> navigations (which would otherwise be document relative) are now full-page
> navigations to the URL specified in the <base>, not the document's "natural"
> URL. Is that right?
> If so, we might be able give you some control over this in the Navigation
> Controller (although it's not currently scoped as many folks didn't want to
> contemplate in-document navigation for the time being).
> But perhaps we don't need to do that: is the current behavior the same
> across browsers? If it's not, we might be able to change the spec. If it is,
> it'll be harder.
> Regards
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:11 AM, Igor Minar <> wrote:
>> The current url resolution as
>> described<>in
>> the spec results in some unhelpful behavior when the following
>> combination of web technologies are used in a client-side web app:
>> - a combination of path-relative urls (<a
>> href="relative/url/to/somewhere">link</a>) and fragment/anchor urls (<a
>> href="#anchorUrl">link</a>)
>> - history.pushState - used for deep-linking
>> - base[href] - used to properly resolve the relative urls to the root of
>> the application in various deployment environments
>> Once history.pushState is used to change location.href, the path-relative
>> urls resolve correctly as expected against the base[href], but anchor urls
>> that are only useful if resolved against the current document.baseURI also
>> unsurprisingly resolve against the base[href]. This behavior makes them
>> unsuitable for this kind of applications which is a big loss in developers
>> toolbox and in fact breaks existing web features like svg that depend on
>> anchor urls to reference nodes in the current document.
>> Does anyone have thoughts on how one could build a client-side app that
>> can
>> be deployed in various contexts without any special server-side templating
>> or build-time pre-processing?
>> The base element looks like a perfect solution for this, if only it didn't
>> break anchor urls.

Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 17:27:39 UTC