Re: [whatwg] Spec for location object needs to make some properties unforgeable; need supporting WebIDL changes

Cameron McCormack wrote:
> OK. I propose then that we allow [Unforgeable] on the interface, which
> means:
> * attributes get own, non-configurable accessor properties (with setters
> if they are not readonly attributes), and no property on the prototype
> * operations get own, non-configurable, non-writable properties, and no
> property on the prototype
> * the stringifier gets an own, non-configurable, non-writable toString
> property, and no property on the prototype
> * there is an own, non-configurable, non-writable valueOf property that
> just returns this
> I think that's the least amount of crazy.

I've done this now:;r2=1.633;f=h;r2=1.81;f=h

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2013 06:52:56 UTC