Re: [whatwg] Cross-origin iframe and @sandbox=allow-same-origin

Le 25/02/2013 19:10, Ian Hickson a écrit :
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2013, David Bruant wrote:
>> As a more general question: does iframe@sandbox="allow-same-origin" make a
>> page and a cross-origin iframe further connected than they are currently
>> without the keyword?
> The only difference is that without the keyword, the content is in a
> unique origin, and with it, its origin is left as normal.
Oh ok. "same origin" means "the content keeps the same (its own) 
origin". I had originally understood "the parent and iframe behave as if 
they were from the same origin", hence my confusion.

Everything makes a lot more sense now.



Received on Monday, 25 February 2013 18:27:03 UTC