Re: [whatwg] Zip archives as first-class citizens

On 8/28/13 11:40 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
>> What's the issue with that?  Gecko supports that (with jar:, not zip:),
>> fwiw.
> As far as the web platform is considered today, URL objects are just
> that. In Gecko you either have a URL object, or a linked list of URL
> objects.

In Gecko you always have a URL object.

A small number of operations (extracting the origin is the main one) 
need to know about the fact that a URL object may delegate the work to 
some other URL object.

> I'd likewise be interested to hear from other implementers.

Yes, this is the key part.

Received on Wednesday, 28 August 2013 16:33:53 UTC