Re: [whatwg] Should <video controls> generate click events?

On Wed, 21 Aug 2013 16:21:25 +0200, Brian Chirls <>  

> Okay, that is much more clear. Thank you.
> Yes, I think adding information to the click event is a great approach.
> Event objects often have additional information, like mouse coordinates  
> or
> key code, so it wouldn't feel like an unusual or special case. The  
> previous
> approach removes information, where this one adds it. Let's not forget  
> that
> the same information should apply to touch and hover events as well.
> Although, how would you handle the case where a user clicks the mouse  
> down
> on the play button, drags it off the play button and then on to, say, the
> fullscreen button before letting go?

What happens when you do that? If nothing happens, it seems like  
controlsTarget should return null.

> What about an enum-esque integer constant instead of a string? Like
> HTMLMediaElement.PLAY_BUTTON, etc.

Integer constants are usually avoided for new stuff.

> It's worth thinking about whether this can/should be generalized to all
> elements that have sub-controls. For example, a number input has those
> little up and down buttons.

Let's start from use cases instead of feature creeping a solution for one  
thing to all other things that have similar shape. I'd rather simplify  
controlsTarget to be a boolean since that also addresses the problem at  

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 14:40:02 UTC