Re: [whatwg] BinaryEncoding for Typed Arrays using window.btoa and window.atob

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 1:41 AM, Kenneth Russell <> wrote:
> The Encoding spec at seems to have
> handled issues like these. Perhaps a better route would be to fold
> this functionality into that spec.

Yeah, I think my preference would be at this point to expose API-only
encodings there. One of those could be base64. Labels for those
encodings would simply not be recognized for <form> and URL. We could
even give them labels that suggest that, e.g. "api-base64". Another
one I've heard requests for is true latin1 which we also use in
XMLHttpRequest for various HTTP-related things.


Received on Tuesday, 6 August 2013 10:10:01 UTC