Re: [whatwg] Enabling LCD Text and antialiasing in canvas

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Stephen White <>wrote:

> Thanks for your comments.
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
>> Nice!
>> The behaviour of putImageData() and putImageDataHD() is to premultiply
>> the RGB components by the alpha component as usual, but write 1.0 into
>> destination alpha. In other words, if (r, g, b, a) are the component values
>> in a given pixel passed to putImageData[HD](), then r' = ar, g' = ag, b' =
>> ab are the colour components of the resulting canvas pixel, and (r', g',
>> b', 1.0) is written to the canvas backing store.
>> I think that's confusing. Maybe cut that sentence since it isn't needed.
>> (Having the black backing store implies this behavior)
> Do you mean, remove both sentences, or just the last one?  I wanted to
> make it clear that the RGB is still premultiplied with the original alpha,
> even though the alpha is subsequently ignored.

O yes. This has to be defined.

> attribute boolean alpha;
>> Should it be read-only?
> Hmm, I have no idea.  WebGL's doesn't have it, but I'm not enough of an
> IDL expert to know whether it's necessary.

This implies that you can change it which is not allowed according to your

*Q:* Can you call getContext more than once on the same canvas, with
different values for { alpha }?

*A:* No. Once it has been called once, the type of the backing store is
set. Calling it again with a different argument raises an exception.

>> Canvas2DContextAttributes getContextAttributes();
>> Maybe make it an attribute:
>> attribute Canvas2DContextAttributes attributes:
> I'm following WebGL syntax here as well.  Apparently WebGL's is nullable,
> though, so I've added ? here.
> Stephen
>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stephen White <>wrote:
>>> Here's a short proposal I've written up for the getContext('2d', {
>>> alpha: false } ) version of this idea (much of it culled from the
>>> mega-thread above).
>>> Comments are welcome.
>>> Stephen

Received on Friday, 19 April 2013 23:03:22 UTC