Re: [whatwg] New URL Standard

2012-09-24 15:26, Karl Dubost wrote:

> Le 24 sept. 2012 à 12:08, Jukka K. Korpela a écrit :
>> It also means that the only immediately available source information for a quotation will be an ISBN in URL format. So, for example, working offline, you won't see even the title and the author. Would the quotation even satisfy the legal requirements for quotations?
> unrelated and orthogonal.
> We are not talking about bibliographical reference model, which would by useful by its own.

In the real world, this is about references. If you give authors a way 
to put references and citations into code, they will widely deploy the 
idea – they are even using title attributes for credits. Now, if 
specific support to cite attributes is added, this will be widely taken 
as *the* way of giving credits.

What other purpose would it serve? When the credits are properly written 
into content, using whatever system is regarded as appropriate, then the 
information in the credits can be turned into links, or dealt with in a 
link-like manner. It would be fairly safe to recognize ISBN strings 
(“ISBN” followed by numbers in a certain patter) from plain content, 
even in the absence of markup.


Received on Monday, 24 September 2012 13:08:29 UTC