[whatwg] A link[scoped] usecase

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu
<kennyluck at csail.mit.edu> wrote:
> (12/03/02 23:35), Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> Do this instead:
>> <div>
>> ? <style scoped>
>> ? ? @import "3rd-party-theme/user-published-20120302133702.css";
>> ? </style>
>> ? <span class="keyword">function</span><span> class="identifier">test</span>...
>> </div>
> On the other hand, why is it bad for browsers and the Web platform to
> support @scoped on <link>?

Because it's an additional feature that adds no power.

As well, right now the *only* purpose of a <link> in the <body> is to
function as a hidden source of url-flavored data for Microdata, if you
find empty <a>s distasteful.

> I talked to Hixie on IRC[1] and he seems to think that there's no use
> case for <style>@import</style> either. So, is the scenario here a valid
> use case for <style>@import</style>? If it is, why is it bad to add
> @scoped to <link> again when this solution is somewhat subtle and can be
> only considered a hack?

Hixie has odd views sometimes.  ^_^  @import is just fine - it lets
you modularize your files without having to change/add <link>s in all
your documents.

> The argument here is that I think <style>@import</style> might have
> usability problem (and also you need more work if want to switch the
> style. This could happen, for example, when the theme panel as described
> in this use case is a <div> with a <select>.). A reader of html5doctor
> had the same problem too[2] and I can certainly image other people being
> confused by this.

What usability problems are you suggesting?


Received on Friday, 2 March 2012 10:13:29 UTC