[whatwg] Fullscreen Update

On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 17:15:11 +0100, Glenn Maynard <glenn at zewt.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Jo?o Eiras <joaoe at opera.com> wrote:
>> F11 and document.requestFullscreen() should produce exactly the same
>> results, so, document.fullscreen would be enabled. And there's no  
>> reason not
>> to (and otherwise would make the spec needlessly more complex).
> There's no such thing as "document.requestFullscreen()" in the current
> draft.  (It was suggested in passing on IRC, but it hasn't been discussed
> here.)
> There's definitely a reason that the fullscreen API can't act like
> F11-fullscreen.  F11 causes the whole browser window to be fullscreened,
> affecting all tabs in the window.  If you change tabs or create a new  
> tab,
> the browser window stays fullscreened.  It isn't exited on navigation.
> Pages should no more be able to affect F11-fullscreen than they can  
> resize
> the browser window.

I don't understand how that is an issue. It has been mentioned that  
navigating a document which has a fullscreen element would exit  
fullscreen, but not a document.

Indeed the spec lacks document.requestFullscreen. It should be there for  
the traditional fullscreen without browser chrome, just like F11. Or  
instead, mention that calling requestFullscreen on the root would have the  
same effect. I'd rather have it directly on Document though.

Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2011 14:21:57 UTC