[whatwg] [html5] @formaction, @formenctype, @formmethod, @formnovalidate, @formtarget

On Tue, 15 Feb 2011 03:48:10 +0100, Jens O. Meiert <jens at meiert.com> wrote:
>> It was that way before, but many pages were already using those  
>> attributes and expected the browser to not do anything with them.
> I understand that good judgment will have been applied. Hence out of
> mere curiosity, do you happen to have any data to share: how many
> documents (out of how many more) are we talking about, and in how many
> instances would problems have arisen (I understand reuse of the same
> attribute values not to cause any, as in ?<form action=foo><input
> action=foo></form>?)?

No hard numbers. But this triggered problems in a significant number of  
sites, including Google properties ;-) The problems were mostly  
DOM-related by the way. People expected the action IDL attribute to return  
something else than it did, for instance.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 01:12:19 UTC