[whatwg] Proposal in supporting the writing of "Arabizi"

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:28 PM, Mark Callow <callow_mark at hicorp.co.jp>wrote:
> As Sergiusz Wolicki pointed the OP is requesting an IME and IMEs already
> exist for several languages. The corollary of this is that hooks for
> IMEs exist in all major operating systems. As Sergiusz also pointed out,
> users will want this functionality available in any text field.  I think
> it would be better to develop an Arabic IME for the OS rather than
> embedding it in browsers. Maybe such a thing already exists.

There are Arabic IMEs. I use them all the time on Windows and OS X to test
bidi support.

Have you any idea of the size of the dictionary and supporting data
> needed for the Japanese IME? It is quite large. I do not think browser
> vendors will want to bloat their products with large IME dictionaries
> for even one language so any browser-based IMEs will inevitably become
> separate downloads. In which case there is no benefit compared to a
> separately downloaded OS-based IME and the disadvantage that it can't be
> used with any text field on the system.

Well said.

- Ryosuke

Received on Thursday, 1 December 2011 22:45:10 UTC