[whatwg] Scriptable interface for video element FullScreen mode

I've changed the subject of this post in the hopes that it receives the
correct attention.


As per the current spec:




User agents should not provide a public API to cause videos to be shown
full-screen. A script, combined with a carefully crafted video file, could
trick the user into thinking a system-modal dialog had been shown, and
prompt the user for a password. There is also the danger of "mere"
annoyance, with pages launching full-screen videos when links are clicked or
pages navigated. Instead, user-agent-specific interface features may be
provided to easily allow the user to obtain a full-screen playback mode.



In order for anyone to be able to provide their own skin/player, we'll need
to provide a scriptable way to switch the video element to full screen and
out including events to support the same.


I know Webkit folks have provided,
webkitEnterFullScreen/webkitExitFullScreen methods to allow this. I don't
believe there are any events supporting the change in state, however


I think it's important that the video element provide a scriptable way to do
this. Internally, the UA can determine if the call was made using a user
gesture as I believe Webkit is doing.


Can we agree to change the current spec to allow for this?



http://exposureroom.com <http://exposureroom.com/> 


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Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 09:09:02 UTC