[whatwg] Html 5 video element's poster attribute

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Shiv Kumar <skumar at exposureroom.com> wrote:
> No, this won?t work. I don?t want the poster to be shown during a seek so
> the question of showing it until seek completes is moot.

I think Chris meant that the poster should remain shown if the user
chose to seek instead of play  when the video first loads. Showing the
poster during any other seek wouldn't make sense.

> So really, what you?re saying is simply forget about using the poster
> attribute altogether. ?Which is exactly what a few others have done
> including us, so this whole dialog has been futile. In that case you don?t
> need to tihghten up the spec either.

Unfortunately, as has been pointed out by others, the 'using an image'
approach becomes problematic when you are using the built in browser
controls. I like the idea of being able to manually turn on and off
the poster display.

Removing the poster attribute is an option to turn the poster off but
there is no way to turn it back on again.


Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2010 23:47:28 UTC