[whatwg] Html 5 video element's poster attribute



I don't believe you've given is a good reason and use case for not having a
single method the allows turning on and off the poster without any side


>I haven't seen a case yet that speaks for having this feature, but I can
already come up with two good reasons for not having that feature.

The "feature" you're talking about is not the feature I'm asking for. I'm
asking for a simple method that allows turning on/off the poster without any
side effects.



>I can already come up with two good reasons for not having that feature.


That's like saying people will use the Html 5 video player for porn so lets
not givem them that ability. 


Besides, they can do it (showing an image during pause) wheter you like it
or not in a hundred other ways.



 <http://exposureroom.com/> http://exposureroom.com

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Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2010 07:13:26 UTC