[whatwg] default audio upload format (was Fwd: The Media Capture API Working Draft)

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:11 PM, James Salsman <jsalsman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone object to form input type=file
> accept="audio/*;capture=microphone" using Speex as a default, as if it
> were specified
> accept="audio/x-speex;quality=7;bitrate=16000;capture=microphone" or
> to allowing the requesting of different speex qualities and bitrates
> using those mime type parameters?
> Speex at quality=7 is a reasonable open source default audio vocoder.
> Runner-up alternatives would include audio/ogg, which is a higher
> bandwidth format appropriate for multiple speakers or polyphonic
> music; audio/mpeg, a popular but encumbered format; audio/wav, a union
> of several different sound file formats, some of which are encumbered;
> etc.

For what it's worth, I suspect it will be almost as has hard to settle
on an audio codec as it has been to settle on a video codec. Why speex
instead of vorbis for example. If WebM is a success it seems like
vorbis in a WebM container would make a lot of sense.

But yes, if you can get all vendors major browser vendors, one of
which is not on this list, to agree on a codec and container format
for audio, then that would be great. I suspect mozilla would be
willing to support it, though I can only speak for myself and not the
rest of the mozilla project.

/ Jonas

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 2010 11:59:38 UTC