[whatwg] Content encoding (e.g. compression) in Web Sockets

If the headers are optional, is there a reason they can't be added to
the spec in version 1?  It's OK if the first implementations ignore
it, but it seems that some implementations have a faster release cycle
than IETF protocol spec updates, so the upside to having it in the
spec sooner is huge.

If I can help, for example by providing a patch to the spec, I'd be glad to.

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Ian Hickson <ian at hixie.ch> wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Mar 2010, Doug Simpkinson wrote:
>> The current Web Socket wire protocol does not make allowances for
>> compression.
> Yeah, this is a known issue. We're still trying to nail down the exact
> handshake and basics of the framing, but compression will almost certainly
> be one of the first features we add in version 2. I expect we'll add a new
> header that the client sends to indicate it supports compression, and if
> the server responds with the same header, the frames will be compressed
> instead of being raw data.
> --
> Ian Hickson ? ? ? ? ? ? ? U+1047E ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?)\._.,--....,'``. ? ?fL
> http://ln.hixie.ch/ ? ? ? U+263A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/, ? _.. \ ? _\ ?;`._ ,.
> Things that are impossible just take longer. ? `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2010 17:22:15 UTC