[whatwg] What is not possible with HTML5

I believe video telephony is not possible due to security limitations in
browser, but it was in spec but never acted upon as of yet (IE device access
using something like a microphone/camera etc.), however i believe this is
possible to work around (with individual browser extensions, like firefox
extensions, or
a native plugin (flash comes to mind but sucks for mobile devices in terms
of battery life), so I think for all those as of now need to be written as
A.) An application that acts as a plugin (ex: Flash)
B.) An extension to a browser (Firefox extension/active x control etc.)
C.) A native application that reads the camera/microphone for a given device
when the above is not possible (Ex: iPhone/iPad),
if this is possible any other ways I would be very interested if anyone
could comment,

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 5:34 AM, narendra sisodiya <
narendra at narendrasisodiya.com> wrote:

> May someone explore what is not possible with HTML5 in spec and in
> Implementations
> For example video telephony in browser is possible ? we draft DAP spec but
> no implementations. So not possible at this moment.
> --
> ???????????????????????????
> ?    Narendra Sisodiya
> ?    http://narendrasisodiya.com
> ???????????????????????????

Nikita Eelen
Network Manager

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