[whatwg] Why is DOMContentLoaded event not bubbling?


Currently DOMContentLoaded is specified [1] with this sentence:
> Queue a task to fire a simple event named DOMContentLoaded at the

and "fire a simple event" is defined [2] as "does not bubble (except where
otherwise stated) and is not cancelable (except where otherwise stated)". So
it's not bubbling and, as far as I understand, per [3] it means it doesn't
bubble to Window.

I checked Gecko (trunk), Safari (4), Chrome (6) and in all of them it
bubbles to window and reports itself as bubbling. (Gecko also reports it as
cancellable, but it's a bug I think.)

The "fire simple event" wording was added [4] along with the comment that
"the firing of events needs to be unified", but that issue appears to be
resolved now, so is this a spec bug?


[1] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-end.html
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Received on Saturday, 5 June 2010 15:28:12 UTC