[whatwg] bubbling events on labels

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Diego Perini <diego.perini at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have different behavior in browsers with the "checked" state of a checkbox
> input element.
> I have filed a ticket in Webkit and I am looking after some
> advice/suggestion about the correct behavior expected from this HTML:
> ?? <label>
> ???? <input type="checkbox">
> ???? <a href="#">Enable</a>
> ?? </label>
> It seems Safari/Chrome are discarding the click bubbling at the link level,
> thus never reaching the label and not toggling the checkbox.
> The behavior in Firefox/Opera and in Safari/Chrome is different and the
> checkbox is correctly "checked" (as I would have expected).
> Should a click on the link make the input checked ?

As far as I can tell, section (Interactive Content)
specifies that clicking the link in that situation should activate the
link and not toggle the checkbox.


Received on Friday, 4 June 2010 15:21:39 UTC