[whatwg] More YouTube response

On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Philip J?genstedt <philipj at opera.com>wrote:

> On Tue, 06 Jul 2010 16:24:45 +0200, Marques Johansson <
> marques at displague.com> wrote:
> Some UAs request video without sending "Range: bytes 0-".  The server has
> no
>> way to negotiate that the UA (a) must use ranges to complete the request
>> or
>> that (b) the range requested is too large, retry will a smaller range.
> The first request is tricky for the browser too. Having no idea of how big
> the resource is or what the bitrate is, there is no bounded request that
> makes sense, in my opinion. The downside is that for a conservative
> approach, the only solution is to abort the connection half way through,
> with the server having no idea when this will happen. I haven't seen any
> negative effects of this in practice yet, but this thread has me thinking
> that it could be better. Handling a short reply gracefully would be a good
> start.

For webm files, Chrome requests 0-1024 and then some block near the end of
the file.  I assume that the meta data / time ranges are stored at these

As for bounded requests that make sense - I'm sure the server hosting the
content could suggest something ;-)

I've tried having the server disconnect a HTTP/1.1 200 response by doing a
php exit() before having sent the "Content-Length" specified number of
bytes.  Browsers did not attempt to pick up where the server left off.

I think you are suggesting that the client disconnect but without scripting
I don't really have control over that and if with scripting that doesn't
seem doable unless the video element could be feed with an appendBytes()
type of function.
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Received on Tuesday, 6 July 2010 08:42:22 UTC