[whatwg] CSS canvas() function

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalmage at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've gone with using element() for selectors (limited to only ID
> selectors, but other valid selectors are accepted, they just don't
> currently do anything). ?Then element-ref() takes an ident, which the
> js function maps to an element.

So, this said, there are few relevant details to work out.
mozSetImageElement allows you to associate elements not in the
document.  This is obviously a problem in general, since
out-of-document elements aren't rendered, and you need a surprising
amount of information to correctly render an element in such a way.

I believe that right now, Moz just ignores any out-of-document element
that's not an <img>, <canvas>, or <video>, right?  Basically, anything
that has some intrinsic notion of what it should look like.  This
seems reasonable to me.

What about other elements that don't necessarily care about their
surrounding elements, like <object>s or <iframe>s?


Received on Wednesday, 1 December 2010 14:42:07 UTC