[whatwg] Adding ECMAScript 5 array extras to HTMLCollection (JZ and David Bruant)

Le 26/04/2010 11:25, Frank Migacz a ?crit :
>   What is the implication of denying dynamic changes to the 
> HTMLCollection in a CORS environment?  In some variant of Comet 
> (or asynchronous UA polling), how can the UA implement change if it is 
> regularly processing inside locked control blocks?
I am not sure I fully understand what you are saying. I don't have the 
impression that in the code samples we wrote we were locked in any 
control block.
Can you provide more details with your example ?

To answer one question (which may not be yours), if a JS code is stuck 
in a while(1), then, events are never handled. In that situation, 
XMLHttpRequest events or server-sent events are particular cases of 
events which won't be handled as well.


Received on Monday, 26 April 2010 23:39:34 UTC