[whatwg] A New Way Forward for HTML5 (revised)

I have only responded below to the parts of your email that I think are
critical to the point you're making (as I understand it).

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Manu Sporny <msporny at digitalbazaar.com>wrote:

> > If people sending emails containing proposals, and having the editor

> directly respond to all of those emails, frequently by changing the
> > spec, does not give you the impression you can impact the specification,
> > I'm not sure what would.
> Having a distributed source control system in place that would provide
> the tools available to generate, modify and submit specification text
> for HTML5. Having the ability to generate alternate HTML5 specification
> text.

Are you are saying that writing an email is too taxing, but checking text in
and out of source control is not?

If so, given my experience with writing email and using version control
systems, I think this is untrue.

If not, see the final paragraph below.

The tools and mechanism doesn't exist to do this easily in the HTML5
> community. The process is unclear and undocumented. I'm working to
> resolve these issues.

Ian has just added a way to submit comments immediately, anonymously, on the
spec itself.  Does this ameliorate your concern?  I can hardly imagine a
lower barrier to entry.

It seems like the only thing you could ask for beyond this is the ability to
directly insert your own changes into the spec without prior editorial
oversight.  I think that might be what you're asking for.  This seems very

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Received on Sunday, 26 July 2009 19:10:27 UTC