[whatwg] Audio synthesis

Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Patrick Mueller <pmuellr at muellerware.org>wrote:
>> I've just started playing a bit with audio.  One thing I noticed with both
>> FF 3.5 and WebKit nightlies is that usage of the "loop" attribute set to
>> true does not provide seamless looping.  ie, there is a significant pause
>> between when the audio clip end is reached and when the clip starts again.
> That might be related to the fact that we haven't implemented 'loop' yet.

Woops, caught me there.  It's exciting to have programmatic audio 
available AT ALL, was forgetting some of the details.

But since you mention it, any idea whether the Moz developers plan on 
implementing seamless looping or not?  I'm curious whether anyone cares, 
and what folks interpretation of looping means.  The spec should be made 
more specific, one way or another ("must/should/may implement seamless 
looping").  Or even provide some other mechanism to allow for seamless 
looping if the current APIs are insufficient, and it's deemed important.

Patrick Mueller - http://muellerware.org

Received on Tuesday, 21 July 2009 19:38:08 UTC