[whatwg] Questions on error handling in web workers

I have a couple questions regarding error handling in HTML 5 workers.
In the spec, it says "Whenever a runtime script error occurs in one of the
worker's scripts, if the error did not occur while handling a previous
script error, the user agent must report the error using the
WorkerGlobalScope object's onerror attribute.". Does it mean that onerror
attribute of WorkerContext would be called? In addition to the errors being

The spec also says "For dedicated workers, if the error is still not handled
afterwards, or if the error occurred while handling a previous script error,
the user agent must queue a task to fire a worker error event at the Worker
object associated with the worker.".  What does it mean by "the error is
still not handled afterwards"? Does it mean that the onerror attribute is
not set for WorkerContext?


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Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2009 17:09:44 UTC