[whatwg] Serving up Theora <video> in the real world

On Jul 9, 2009, at 3:11 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 5:59 PM, David Gerard<dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
>> * In Safari with XiphQT, we can *probably* detect Theora's MIME type
>> as being supported and it will Just Work (more or less).
> I'm now being told that our workaround of checking for system mime
> types stopped working and isn't working for users with Safari 4.0.2
> and fresh XiphQT installs.
> We've been doing querying navigator.plugins to look for 'video/ogg'
> since canPlayType fails for Ogg/Theora even when XiphQT is installed
> for current Safari (I understand that this is fixed in development
> builds).
> I'm trying to figure out where the plugin mime detection workaround
> stopped and why.

I don't think we did anything intentional in 4.0.2 to break detection  
of XiphQT. If you have a solid reproducible case, please file a bug.  
On the other hand, I suspect the canPlayType fix will have shipped by  
the time we manage to do any fixes for the navigator.plugins technique.


Received on Thursday, 9 July 2009 16:14:01 UTC