[whatwg] Serving up Theora <video> in the real world

2009/7/9 David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com>

> 2009/7/9 Benjamin M. Schwartz <bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu>:
> > It seems you're rightish.  Google, as usual, is having lots of fun with
> > their stable/beta/release distinctions.  See if you can decipher
> > http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/ .
> > At any rate, <video> is not supported in Chrome "Stable", which is
> > currently 2.0.x.
> Yep. For these purposes we're only considering release stuff.

As Peter said, please don't just block Chrome flat out -- if you must, just
block Chrome under version 3. Note that when we push 3 to stable, everyone
will be automatically updated.

As for how to decipher the releases blog, at the beginning of each post we
state which channels this affects (Dev/Beta/Stable). Dev is, as it sounds,
the latest and most frequently released to, stable is less frequently
updated. Eventually, when we're happy, we take a dev release and call it
beta and then stable.

> Anyone got ideas on the iPhone problem?
> - d.
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Received on Thursday, 9 July 2009 15:46:25 UTC