[whatwg] MathML in non-XML documents

Adam Langley wrote:
>>From my reading of the spec, it appears that MathML embedded in HTML
> documents (not just XHTML) is intended to work?
> (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#mathml)
> I.e. something like the following snippet should render as math?
> <body>
>   <math>
>     <msup>
>       <mi>x</mi>
>       <mn>2</mn>
>     </msup>
>   </math>
> </body>
> Is my interpretation correct?

I believe so, yes.

> (Note, I'm not questioning browser support for the above, which I believe is non-existent).

The above is actually supported in current nightly builds of Firefox if 
you set the "html5.enable" preference to true so that you're using the 
new parser.  I can provide screenshots on request if desired.  ;)


Received on Friday, 3 July 2009 10:38:05 UTC