- From: Arne Claassen <arnec@mindtouch.com>
- Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 16:55:26 -0800
I'm trying to add video and audio tags to our XHtmlValidator and after going through http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/ I've pieced together schemas for both, but wanted to ask if there was a more authoritative source? In particular, I came across a couple of event handlers in examples that i can't find defined anywhere in the specs, like ondataunavailable and oncanshowcurrentframe Anyway, here's what i've come up with so far, any pointers, corrections, additions would be most welcome (attributes marked with * are considered unsafe, i.e. may contain javascript and should be scrubbed or stripped as appropriate) video: media height poster* width audio : media media : htmlelement autoplay controls currentTime defaultPlaybackRate loop muted playbackRate src* volume onloadstart* onprogress* onsuspend* onload* onabort* onerror* onemptied* onstalled* onplay* onpause* onloadedmetadata* onloadeddata* onwaiting* onplaying* oncanplay* oncanplaythrough* onseeking* onseeked* ontimeupdate* onended* onratechange* ondurationchange* onvolumechange* htmlelement : class contenteditable contextmenu dir draggable id hidden lang style* tabindex title onabort* onblur* onchange* onclick* oncontextmenu* ondblclick* ondrag* ondragend* ondragenter* ondragleave* ondragover* ondragstart* ondrop* onerror* onfocus* onkeydown* onkeypress* onkeyup* onload* onmessage* onmousedown* onmousemove* onmouseout* onmouseover* onmouseup* onmousewheel* onscroll* onselect* onsubmit* thanks, Arne Claassen MindTouch
Received on Thursday, 22 January 2009 16:55:26 UTC