[whatwg] RDFa is to structured data, like canvas is to bitmap and SVG is to vector

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 17:15:34 +0100, Shelley Powers 
> <shelleyp at burningbird.net> wrote:
>> And regardless of the fact that I jumped to conclusions about WhatWG 
>> membership, I do not believe I was inaccurate with the earlier part 
>> of this email. Sam started a new thread in the discussion about the 
>> issues of namespace and how, perhaps we could find a way to work the 
>> issues through with RDFa. My god, I use RDFa in my pages, and they 
>> load fine with any browser, including IE. I have to believe its 
>> incorporation into HTML5 is not the daunting effort that others make 
>> it seem to be.'
> You ask us to take you seriously and consider your feedback, it would 
> be nice if you took what e.g. Henri wrote seriously as well. 
> Integrating a new feature in HTML is not a simple task, even if the 
> new feature loads and renders fine in Internet Explorer.
Take you guys seriously...OK, yeah.

I don't doubt that the work will be challenging, or problematical. I'm 
not denying Henri's claim. And I didn't claim to be the one who would 
necessarily come up with the solutions, either, but that I would help in 
those instances that I could.

What I did express in the later emails, is what others have expressed 
who have asked about RDFa in HTML5: are we wasting our time even trying? 
That it seems like a decision has already been made, and we're spinning 
our wheels even attempting to find solutions. There's a difference 
between not being willing to negotiate, compromise, work the problem, 
and just spitting into the wind for no good.
>> However, the debate ended as soon as Ian re-asserted his authority.
> Ian just gave an indication of when he's going to work on this again. 
> That doesn't mean that research into e.g. DOM consistency can't happen 
> meanwhile. It also doesn't mean that debate needs to stop.
No, Ian's listing of tasks pretty much precluded any input into the 
decision making process other than his own. I never see "we" when Ian 
writes, I only see "I".

Regardless, perhaps Dan or Ben have better arguments than I do to input 
into the debate. I'm not helping.


Received on Sunday, 18 January 2009 08:43:12 UTC