[whatwg] Web Storage: apparent contradiction in spec

Michael Nordman wrote:

And to confound the problem further, UAs dont have meta-data on hand with
which to relate various pieces of local data together and attribute them to
a specific user-identifiable 'application'. Everything is bound to a
security-origin, but that doesn't clearly identify or label an

Agreed. It would be nice if data was bound to namespaced contexts on a more
fine-grained model than origin/hostname. This could potentially be done
using the path-based mechanism I just posted about in the thread titled
"origin+path namespacing and security".
It would be good with a single mechanism that can be extended to confine
applications within their own namespaces (to not interfer with each other),
be used for security, and for assisting user decisions on what to keep or
Best regards
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Received on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:47:21 UTC