[whatwg] Text areas with pattern attributes?

> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 3:05 AM, Anne van Kesteren<annevk at opera.com>  
> wrote:
>> Also, maxlength cannot be enforced as client-side validation  
>> requirement due to compatibility issues.
> Hmm, I hadn't thought of that.  You're right, that would provide
> somewhat inconsistent behavior.  On the other hand, just not letting
> you type any more is if anything probably better than an error
> message.  I don't see why you'd ever *want* the behavior of
> pattern=".{0,n}" for maxlength=n.

With maxlength (as implemented in current browsers) it's not possible  
to paste string that is too long and then trim it to desired length,  
e.g. if I have "Your order reference is AB-456" in my clipboard, I  
can't use it in input field that has maxlength=6.

So I wish maxlength behaved more like pattern in all cases :)

regards, Kornel

Received on Tuesday, 25 August 2009 08:53:54 UTC