[whatwg] Private browsing vs. Storage and Databases

On Apr 7, 2009, at 6:04 PM, Ian Fette (????????) wrote:

> 2009/4/7 Jonas Sicking <jonas at sicking.cc>
> I do agree that there's still need for storing data while in private
> browsing mode. So I do think it makes a lot of sense for
> .sessionStorage to keep working.
> But I do have concerned about essentially telling a website that we'll
> store the requested data, only to drop it on the floor as soon as the
> user exits private browsing mode (or crashes).
> / Jonas
> Doesn't the website have to handle that anyways? I mean, I assume  
> that all the browsers are going to allow users some way to "manage"  
> this stuff, much like cache/cookies - e.g. you have to assume that  
> at some point in time the user is going to blow you away.  
> (Especially on mobile devices where space is more of a premium...)

Caches are always assumed to be temporary and recoverable, and cookies  
have severe size and lifetime limitations placed on them (ie - the  
User Agent can never be excepted to keep cookies around for any  
predictable lifetime, per the cookies spec).

LocalStorage and Databases are expected to be persistent unless a  
script or the user explicitly removes them.  They're more like files,  
where arbitrarily misplacing them is unacceptable.


> -Ian

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Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2009 18:10:03 UTC