[whatwg] Add 'type' attribute to <mark>

On Oct 31, 2008, at 11:06 AM, Pentasis wrote:

> I would never opt for using "class" for anything other than CSS  
> styling. The reason for this being that I feel that neither "id"  
> nor "class" should contain keywords, but only author defined words.  
> For me a "type" or "role" attribute would be like an "id" or  
> "class" only it would contain keywords and be not style-related but  
> content related.

Also, because authors have assumed that they had full reign over id  
and class names, there are bound to be conflicts if we now define  
certain keywords to have semantic meaning (which could correspond to  
presentational behavior).  Breaking backwards compatibility when we  
add new features is certainly undesirable.

Musical feet!  <span class="footnote">La</span>

Andy Lyttle
whatwg at phroggy.com

Received on Friday, 31 October 2008 11:45:00 UTC