[whatwg] Absent rev?

On Wed, 19 Nov 2008 17:26:17 -0000, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalmage at gmail.com>  

> Finally we come to the ones that I can't otherwise categorize.  I'll  
> just go ahead and list them directly:
>       3 <a rev="vote-for" ...>

Apropos vote-for, even specification of this Microformat confused rel with  
rev (and so did I when I first tried to use vote links, even though I'd  
read corrected version of the spec):

There's also relevant entry on Microformat blog:
> It seems that everytime I present microformats, I need to explain the  
> difference bettween the rel and rev attributes.

and finally use of rev has been deprecated in Microformats:

regards, Kornel Lesinski

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2008 14:53:45 UTC