[whatwg] Absent rev?

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Martin McEvoy <martin at weborganics.co.uk> wrote:
> Philip Taylor wrote:
>> rev=stylesheet makes up 57% of those uses of rev,
> How do you get that figure?
> even if you just compare rev="made"(1157 instances) and rev="stylesheet"(107
> instances) you get 9.25% of the examples use rev incorrectly

That figure was from the case of

> "... (excluding rev=made, which is
> uninteresting since it's redundant with rel=author) ...".

since that appears to be what Hixie meant (but forgot to say) when
claiming that most uses of rev were typos of rel.

(Case-insensitively, I counted 1259 rev="made", 122 rev="stylesheet",
and 1474 rev="..." in total, which means 215 in total excluding
rev="made", and 122/215=57%.)

Philip Taylor
excors at gmail.com

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2008 07:26:48 UTC