- From: Biju Gm@il <bijumaillist@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 01:36:06 -0400
I see a problem while using video_element.currentTime instead of video_element.start ie, recent firefox nightly build removed video_element.start before that we could do following to make a movie with new URL start from 10th second frame video_element.src="http://www.double.co.nz/video_test/ascannerdarkly480.ogg"; video_element.start=10; video_element.play(); Now to achieve same effect I tried video_element.src="http://www.double.co.nz/video_test/ascannerdarkly480.ogg"; video_element.currentTime=10; video_element.play(); This gives a problem. ie, I can not set .currentTime immediately after .src changed it throughs error (may be it is waiting to load metadata) So can we have a method .seek() or .skip() or something. Syntax:- .seek(secondsToSeek, isAbosolute, toKeyFrame) Parameters:- secondsToSeek - optional, positive/negative floating point value to indicate seconds from current frame. Default 5 sec or a user set value. isAbosolute - optional, boolean, default false. if true indicate "secondsToSeek" is from the start instead of from current frame. toKeyFrame - optional, boolean, default false. if true indicates goto the nearest keyframe of the value provided in secondsToSeek. this is to improve performance while avoiding bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=463358 Returns:- .seek() will return the time to which it is seek-ed to. so if seeking is true .currentTime - will give current position till where the video is already seek-ed .seek(0) - will give currently being seek-ed position. With out this extra method it will lot more Javascript code to archive the same. Cheers Biju
Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 21:36:06 UTC