[whatwg] Review of the 3.16 section and the HTMLInputElementinterface

I don't think this is a valid argument since you can change it anyway [1].

[1] http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/inputfile.html


2008/5/14 K?i?tof ?elechovski <giecrilj at stegny.2a.pl>:

>  I do not feel like having the file submission control styled and
> customized in any way; submitting a file poses a serious security and
> privacy risk so I would not like to see this control disguised as something
> else.  Just like an alert window title, it should have a consistent look for
> all applications.
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* whatwg-bounces at lists.whatwg.org [mailto:
> whatwg-bounces at lists.whatwg.org] *On Behalf Of *Samuel Santos
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 14, 2008 6:38 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [whatwg] Review of the 3.16 section and the
> HTMLInputElementinterface
> This issue seems to be a very recurring and still unsolved problem when
> dealing with Web internationalization / multi-language Web Apps.
> I would like to suggest this to be reviewed with an editor comment please.
> Additionally, it's important if we could decorate separately the file path
> text field and the browse button using CSS.
> Best reagards,
> Samuel Santos

Samuel Santos
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