[whatwg] INS and DEL in lists

Dnia 26-03-2008, ?r o godzinie 12:15 -0500, Tab Atkins Jr. pisze:
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Krzysztof ?elechowski
> <giecrilj at stegny.2a.pl> wrote:
>         Another example of missing interleave in HTML is
>         not to be able to interleave list items with table rows
>         in order to provide numbering.
>         These are independent sets of elements and they cannot play
>         together.
>         Sad.
>         Chris
> How would you even *do* this?  Can you give an example of how you
> think the HTML should look?

><OL ><LI ><TR ><TD ><TD ><LI ><TR ><TD ><TD ></OL ></TABLE >

> I doubt this is something we'd ever want in HTML.  CSS3 can do this
> just fine with generated content and counters, though.  

And the original problem can be solved using CSS2; 
I only wanted to bring a similar example: 
HTML poorly supports interleaving unrelated markup streams.


Received on Thursday, 27 March 2008 00:50:30 UTC