[whatwg] Latest proposal for offline web app API

On Sep 23, 2007, at 5:41 PM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

> On 9/21/07, Ian Hickson <ian at hixie.ch> wrote:
> Provide methods and/or properties for the following:
> * Add a resource to the cache. The resource persists (it's a
>    permanent addition to the manifest.)
> So if an update retrieves a new version of the manifest from the  
> server, what will happen to dynamically added resources?

I think Ian's proposal clarified that dynamically added resources  
would remain after a manifest update (though of course, you can remove  
them through script).

> Nondeterminism about which cache might be used to serve a given URI  
> seems highly undesirable to me. This could easily lead to  
> interoperability problems.

I believe the only nondeterminism is for top-level resources that  
appear in more than one cache. An alternate possibility is to require  
that they be served from the most recently updated cache. However, the  
counter-argument might be that operations like "open image in new  
window" should pass the cache along to the resulting new top-level  
browsing context. Perhaps it should be required that the newest  
available offline cache is used, except optionally in such cases. I'm  
not sure how that could be well-defined however.


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Received on Sunday, 23 September 2007 18:38:45 UTC