[whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

Asbj?rn Ulsberg wrote:
> Well, I'm not so sure. I'm hoping for some debating! :)

Looks like you got your wish.  This thread has been popular.

> Considering that Chris Wilson is the chair of the HTML WG as well as the
>   Platform Architect on the IE crew, plus the fact that several members
> of   WHAT WG (including myself) are now members of the HTML WG, don't
> you think   it's possible for us to bring forward this idea and get Mr.
> Wilson to   notice? It's at least worth a shot, imo.

I'm sure we could get him to notice.  He's already asked developers for
another way to opt in.

The problem will be if W3C wants to keep DTDs or otherwise shoots down
compatibility with WHAT's HTML 5 DOCTYPE.  Then using it as the switch
will only apply to WHAT's HTML 5.  Another solution will have to be made
for W3C's HTML 5.  This is why I've been suggesting a switch that didn't
rely on the markup.

If they differ, I doubt that will be a good solution for them.  Further, I
assume we're still a ways off from the final draft (but I can't find a
road map).  I'm wondering if they had something now if some change to IE7
could be made.  If they did, at least, they couldn't ignore the issue and
push it off on until developers found a solution for them.

It'd make more sense if we could get Chris Wilson in on the discussion.  I
assume they asked for something other than the DOCTYPE as a switch for a
specific reason ("some other way to opt in", were his words).  I'd really
like to know exactly what he expected.  Wish I was at that event.

Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2007 10:20:02 UTC