[whatwg] canvas elements <rect> <polygon> etc

On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 22:47:36 +0100, carmen <_ at whats-your.name> wrote:
> thats kind of what i'm asking, it looks like SVG has its own API  
> already, sort of similar to canvas. are there plans to merge? can you  
> use svg elements inwide a canvas element or will the browser not find  
> them? are there plans for that to change? etc.

Roughly said, <canvas> can be used for bitmap manipulation and SVG can be  
used for vector graphics. They have different purposes although I suppose  
you can solve the same problem with both now and then. Given that, there  
are no plans to merge them and there's no plan for that to change.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 12 March 2007 01:11:51 UTC