[whatwg] Web Forms attributes: minlength / autocomplete

On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 21:21:44 +0200, Sander <html5 at zoid.nl> wrote:
> Before HTML5 there was no HTML validation (as opposed to JS validation)  
> for form controls. So truncating the input value was probably the only  
> way to force the given maxlength (perhaps that's also why there wasn't a  
> minlength attribute before).
> As HTML5 will get validation attributes like pattern= anyway, maybe it  
> would be consistent to have maxlength act in the same manner. I guess it  
> won't really break things as the end result will be the same, but maybe  
> I'm wrong.

FWIW: you're wrong. maxlength= was made to truncate (again) because not  
doing so broke existing content. (Implementation experience coming from  
Opera implementing the Web Forms 2 specification.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 7 June 2007 12:25:16 UTC