[whatwg] html5 + ogg

On Dec 29, 2007, at 12:01 PM, Philip Parker wrote:

> The removal of ogg as a baseline for audio/video implementation
> strikes me as ridiculous. Theres nothing stopping other formats from
> being used after all

If the specification included the Ogg baseline and few web browsers  
actually supported it, what use would the specification be? Simply  
specifying it won't actually make it widely implemented.

There's also nothing stopping you from using Ogg in the things you  
develop right now, so how does the removal change what you choose to do?

> As things stand with how easily large corporations can
> obstruct/corrupt the process for their own goals, I might as well just
> stick to xhtml1 and avoid rich media elements where possible in any
> site I may end up developing until - and indeed if sense prevails.

I guess by "rich media elements" you also mean JPEG, GIF, PNG, SVG,  
and Flash? None of those are included as baselines in the XHTML1  
specification either.


Received on Saturday, 29 December 2007 11:19:40 UTC