[whatwg] My case for Ruby-elements

Ian Hickson skrev:
> Yes, I have in fact already begun looking at exactly what the parsing and 
> semantic requirements for <ruby> will have to be. It should be added to 
> the spec in the coming weeks.

May I add that it might be worthwhile to announce this in some 
noticeable way. Right not HTML5 is taking quite a lot of bad heat, with 
statements such as "But I really don?t see where HTML5 is better enough" 
(compared to HTML 4 at 
http://www.molly.com/2007/08/11/dear-w3c-dear-wasp/ in the comment by 
Keith Bowes).

Simple logic:

A. There is no ruby in XHTML 1.0 and no ruby in HTML 4.

B. XHTML 1.1 requires an XML-mime type. Which won't be supported by MSIE 
in any reasonable time frame.

ERGO: The only allowed version of HTML that may be sent to a browser 
with the text/html MIME-type will be HTML 5. That's a huge benefit to 
say the least!

Lars Gunther

Received on Monday, 13 August 2007 04:39:54 UTC