[whatwg] on codecs in a 'video' tag.

On Tuesday 2007-04-03 11:52 -0700, Dave Singer wrote:
> Surely people have comments or questions on other aspects of our 
> proposal?  There is new stuff, new ideas, and open areas, all ripe 
> for discussion....we have engineers standing by, eager to refine and 
> improve the video tag design itself...

If you want more comments, it would be good to include a URL to get
the proposal (potentially a message in the list archive, if that's
the best one).  I'm not sure where to find it amid the hundreds of
messages on the list.

> The most prevalent codecs *today* are those in cell phones;  heck, 
> Nokia has shipped more digital cameras than anyone else (really).  In 

I don't think shipped implementation count is a useful metric here.
What matters is the amount of use.  I think the average PC is used
for a lot more Web browsing than the average high-end cell phone.


L. David Baron                                <URL: http://dbaron.org/ >
           Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, Mozilla Corporation
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Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2007 14:13:14 UTC